Sunday, January 11, 2009

E11 k-bells [#00008] Sunday-Family Day...

I have decided to make Sunday's a day of complete rest. A day spent entirely enjoying my wonderful wife and son. I have played around with different training splits in the past like 5-on, 2-off, 2-on, 1-off, and most recently 3-on, 1-off, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. 

5-on, 2-off is nice because it fits the work week well and you get the weekends off, but it leads to sub bar sessions due to fatigue following the first 3 days of intense training. The body is not equipped maintain intense training for more than 3 days at a time so the last 2 days are basically you're basically just flogging a dead horse!

2-on, 1-off and 3-on, 1-off are both very effective training splits with regard to training time, intensity and recovery, however they do make for a demanding and awkward schedule in the fact that each week is a different training schedule with regard to work and rest days. I would recommend these splits if your schedule allows, but for me working in a gym all week long Mon-Sat, I found it hard to drag myself to hit a workout on my only off day, plus it can be a strain on family life when you are technically leaving your wife and child to go to work on your day off form work!

And so my new training split for 2009 will be 2-on, 1-off, 3-on, 1-off. This will allow me to maintain the high intensity of my training, allow sufficient recovery time and also fit nicely into my work and family schedule. No more Sunday workouts, I feel good about it, this way everybody wins. 

Therefore I hear-by officially declare Sunday's Family Day! Along with it being a day of worship of course, like I said, everybody wins....

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